1) As regards the chemical characteristics of our leather we confirm our full compliance with the limits indicated in the voluntary standards:
- UNI 10826 which defines the characteristics and requirements of leather intended for the leather goods and accessories industry;
- UNI 10594 which defines the characteristics and requirements of leather intended for the footwear industry.
2) As regards the physical-mechanical characteristics, reference must be made to the agreements between our tannery and the various customers.
REACH REGULATION (EC no. 1907/2006) and other EU Regulations
After a careful and thorough screening of the suppliers of chemical products (substances and mixtures) which enter to form part of our production cycle, in addition to a check of the semi-processed products and all the processing for which we avail of service providers, in the light of our current knowledge we hereby declare that:
- our leather complies with everything indicated on the list of SVHC (Substances of Very High Concern) which is constantly updated by the ECHA (European Chemicals Agency);
- our leather complies with the requirements imposed by Enclosure XVII of the aforementioned Regulation relating to the marketing restriction of certain hazardous substances or classes of hazardous substances and all subsequent amendments and additions;
- our leather complies with the everything indicated on the list of substances in Enclosure XIV of the Regulation which requires the request for authorisation to use said substances.
Finally, we declare that our supplies are compliant with EU Directive 2011/65 (ROHS) regarding the restrictions to use hazardous chemical substances in electronic devices, and Regulation 850/2004 and subsequent amendments and additions relating to persistent organic pollutants.